WOOD TV8 reports that starting today through October 23rd both the Rockford Freshman Center and Rockford High School will be closed and students will be learning virtually.

WOOD TV8 reports that the Rockford School District website says 19 students have tested positive for COVID-19 within the last couple weeks, which has led to 416 students in grades 9-12 have been asked to quarantine as well as staff members of the school. The Kent County Health Department closed the two school buildings in hopes of slowing the spread of the coronavirus.

Rockford School Superintendent Mike Schibler told WOOD TV8,

“I want the kids in the classroom, but the bottom line is: this is a pandemic. This is a virus. This is serious stuff, and I have the responsibility of the safety of 8,000 students and 1,000 employees plus all the people that come into our schools and I take that seriously.”

Rockford had already canceled their variety football game last Friday after a player tested positive. The school district is hoping they’ll be able to at least play their last game of the season, but only time will tell.

If 2020 has taught us anything (aside from washing our hands more) is that we have to be ready for on the fly for changes to our life. As Superintendent Schibler tells WOOD TV8 until a vaccine is available to the masses, we have to be ready to flow with the changes that the coronavirus brings.

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