Showtime’s Twin Peaks may not have offered the ratings smash network heads hoped, but its online presence has given the mystery drama a major boost. Now, ahead of Sunday’s fifth episode premiere, new Twin Peaks is coming back in style with the first two episodes streaming free.

Where initially Showtime premiered the first two episodes of its new Twin Peaks on Sunday, May 21 (with two more available on the website, and airing this past Sunday), the network now offers those first two episode streaming free. The first episode lies above (keep in mind, it’s censored), with the second below.

If the cryptic adventures of Cooper in the Black Lodge, evil doppelgängers and gruesome box monsters float your boat, The third and fourth episodes can be found on Showtime Anytime. This coming Sunday will see the fifth episode debut (good luck getting a single tease!), while David Lynch’s brain-busting mystery will continue for a full eighteen episodes.

Pace yourselves, and return to Twin Peaks above.

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