Siegfried Fischbacher of Siegfried & Roy Has Died
The legendary Siegfried Fischbacher of Siegfried & Roy has past away at the age of 81.
According to WOOD, Fischbacher's sister who is a nun in Munich confirmed her brother's death to be from cancer. Sister Dolore said, "he was at home in Las Vegas. I could pray with him and tell him that I will always be with him in my heart."
Roy Horn, Fischbacher's partner in Siegfried & Roy died last year at the age of 75 from complications from COVID-19.
Even though Siegfried & Roy lived and worked in Las Vegas they are known around the world for their magic, illusions and work with white tigers.
Horn who was injured by one of their white tigers during a performance in 2003 was very damaged by the incident but the two were still in separable.
WOOD reported that back in May, Fischbacher made a statement regarding Horn's passing that said, "from the moment we met, I knew Roy and I, together, would change the world. There could be no Siegfried without Roy, and no Roy without Siegfried."
Fischbacher and Horn were both from Germany and began working together in 1957. It wasn't until 1990 they began to be a house act at the Mirage in Las Vegas performing six shows a week, 44 weeks a year.
It was their white lions and white tigers that really caught the world's attention. Horns and Fischbacher started a preservation program in the 1980s in a $10 million facility they had built.
Fischbacher was born June 13,1939 in Rosenheim in Bavaria. He began doing magic as a young child.
The chairman of MGM Mirage Terry Lanni said, "throughout the history of Las Vegas, no artists have meant more to the development of Las Vegas' global reputation as the entertainment capital of the world than Siegfried and Roy."