Since Lauren Is Gone, Craig Does A Beer Blog!
By the time you read this, Lauren will be on a flight to go see Phish, the jam band playing concerts this weekend. And since she is gone, and beer news has happened, I'm taking over her beer beat!
A new story from Yahoo! food ranks Michigan as the 4th best beer state in the US. Go Us!
"Michigan happens to host some of the best damned breweries in the country. There’s a reason that the annual release of Bell’s Oberon is like a state holiday, and why its Two-Hearted is consistently ranked among the best IPAs in the world, even as many drinkers don’t realize it’s an IPA. Or why Larry Bell’s neighbors to the North, Grand Rapids’ Founders, has become one of the nation’s most respected brewers, so much so that Grand Rapids is now on the map as a destination beer city."
Well alright! The only states ahead of us are Colorado, California and Oregon. Places that have been micro brewing beer way longer than Michigan. Way to go brewers!
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