It has been months since high school sports teams have been able to play and have fans in the stands due to COVID-19. The final rounds of the Michigan High School Athletic Association Football and Girls Volleyball tournaments are coming up. A limited numbers of spectators will be allowed to attend those games.

The state health department gave the approval for spectators in the stands on Wednesday, January 6th.

There will be restrictions and limitations, including...

  • Football teams will receive 125 tickets. These are to be divided among game participants for purchase by immediate family members via GoFan. Volleyball teams will receive 50 tickets, also to be purchased by immediate family through GoFan.
  • Spectators from different households must be spaced out by six feet and maintain this distancing at all times, including arriving and departing from the game.
  • Spectators need to wear face masks at all times.

Football starts up again on Saturday, January 9th, after nearly two months off, with 8-Player Semifinals and 11-Player Regional Finals.

Local teams still alive include Rockford, East Grand Rapids, Muskegon, Grand Rapids South Christian, Forest Hills Eastern, Catholic Central, and Muskegon Oakridge

Volleyball resumes on Tuesday, January 12th with Quarterfinals and concludes with Semifinals and Finals the following weekend at Kellogg Arena in Battle Creek.

Spectators will only be allowed at football and volleyball tournaments at this point. The Lower Peninsula Girls Swimming & Diving Finals will not be allowing spectators because of the higher number of participants. Allowing spectators at these events would push the total number of people over the limit of what is considered safe for indoor events.

You can read the official press release from the MHSAA here.


KEEP READING: See how sports around the world have been impacted by the coronavirus

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