The latest footage includes brand new looks at Eleven, Will, and the rest of the Hawkins gang in the upcoming second season. The trailer has eerie hazmat suits, a flame-thrower, some Eggos, seasonally-appropriate trick-or-treating, and multiple cavernous Upside Down tunnels. Oh, and did you spot that horrifying shot of the Shadow Monster?

Even if you’ve watched the latest trailed on loop a million times, you may not have spotted all the Easter eggs and hidden clues. In a new video we break down all the secrets you may have missed in the final Season 2 trailer, plus our predictions for what to expect in the new episodes.

Season 2 will pick up in the fall of 1984 with all of our favorite characters, plus newcomers played by Paul ReiserSean Astin, Brett GelmanPower Rangers star Dacre Montgomery, and Sadie Sink. The new episodes arrive on October 27, and we hope you’ve cleared your calendars and canceled your Halloween party plans; that weekend is officially Leave Me Alone I’m Binging Stranger Things weekend. And now, you’ll be more prepared than ever for what’s to come. (You’re welcome.)

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