How To Get Multiple Free Slurpees on 7/11 Day in MichiganHow To Get Multiple Free Slurpees on 7/11 Day in MichiganFind out the secret to enjoying multiple free Slurpees at 7-Eleven and Speedway this July 11th!Tommy McNeillTommy McNeill
West Michigan Slurpee Fans Have 2 Options For “Bring Your Own Cup Day”West Michigan Slurpee Fans Have 2 Options For “Bring Your Own Cup Day”The hardest part about this day is picking out what's going to hold your Slurpee.Big Joe PeshBig Joe Pesh
Friday's Fast-Food Bonanza!Friday's Fast-Food Bonanza!7/11 is Friday. And, simply put, it's one of the best free and/or reduced food days. Not many days give you two food retailers offering their wares at such low to no price: Krispy Kreme and 7-Eleven.Craig RussellCraig Russell