16 Actors Who Almost Starred in ‘Die Hard’ Before Bruce Willis16 Actors Who Almost Starred in ‘Die Hard’ Before Bruce WillisThe 1988 action film made Bruce Willis a star, but he was far from the first choice. Corey IrwinCorey Irwin
Classic Christmas Movies on the Big Screen at Wealthy TheatreClassic Christmas Movies on the Big Screen at Wealthy TheatreI love being able to download and watch a movie at home. But, there are some classic Christmas movies that are more enjoyable to see them on the big screen at a movie theatre.Scott WintersScott Winters
Could ‘Die Hard’ Get Made Today?Could ‘Die Hard’ Get Made Today?Imagining how modern tastes and technology would change an action classic.Matt SingerMatt Singer
A New Trailer Turns ‘Die Hard’ Into the Christmas Movie It Always WasA New Trailer Turns ‘Die Hard’ Into the Christmas Movie It Always Was(I mean it always was a Christmas movie. But this trailer really makes it look like a Christmas movie.)Matt SingerMatt Singer