One of the many awesome things about summer in West Michigan are all the different food trucks out and about. Well, kick off food truck season at an event that proclaims its "Grand Rapids Largest Food Truck Rally"!
This will be the first Merchants & Makers event hosted at Frugthaven Farm, which is located in Greeneville. The event is set to run from 9am-3pm on Saturday and will feature nearly two hundred vendors from West Michigan & Beyond.
Kentwood will have their Fourth of July celebration on Sat., July 3. Activities include breakfast, a 5K race, a parade, a carnival, live music and fireworks.
The annual Food Truck event is scheduled in Kentwood. The Kick-off to Summer Food Truck Festival will take place Saturday, June 19 in the parking lot of the Kent District Library – Kentwood Branch.
It’s Labor Day Weekend. There are a lot of events that are wrapping up for the summer, so get out and enjoy those events. There are also some events just for the Labor Day Weekend. And, if you are up for a road trip, Monday is the only day you can walk across the Mackinac Bridge!
It’s going to be a hot weekend. We have several activities, both inside and outside for you. There are musicals, concerts, baseball (you can even take your dog!), food, beach volleyball, bugs, the world’s largest dog wash, and of course Fireworks!