In the comedy classic Groundhog Day, Bill Murray’s curmudgeonly newscaster Phil Connors starts to lose his mind after repeatedly living the exact same February 2 over and over again. For the low price of ten pounds (approximately $14 in real money), patrons of Liverpool’s Small Cinema can now live Phil’s Groundhog Day experience for real — but not the part where he seduces beautiful women, or becomes a better person, or is Bill Murray. Really just the repetition and its accompanying descent into madness.
We’re big fans of Groundhog Day here at ScreenCrush — I mean, we did just pick it as number one on our list of the 25 Best Comedies of the Last 25 Years — so this news, via The Hollywood Reporter, has us excited: Groundhog Day is coming to Broadway on January 23, 2017. A new version of Groundhog Day! It feels like we’re living the same story over and over and over again! But with, like, music this time.
'Groundhog Day' is revered as one greatest films of '90s, and to celebrate its upcoming twenty-first anniversary it's the perfect time to own a piece of the film's legacy. But we're not talking about a prop or something small. Nah, we're talking about the house where many of the key scenes were shot. It can now be yours for the low price of $985,000
The groundhog probably DIDN'T see his shadow.
That means we will have four more years of this never-ending winter.
We have officially already had 432 inches of snow. It's some number kind of like that.