Thousands of meteors are reported falling through the skies, but not many are caught on video. On Monday, one lucky Michigander caught one burning through the atmosphere. Driving south on 131, Andrew Gunneson happened to be filming as he drove, and caught the fireball as it burned through the Michigan sky.
No longer are drones used to film cool footage of our favorite land marks. The University of Michigan uses them to predict landslides ... also the scenery isn't half bad either.
Kids have a lot of fun in the snow. Now there's an educational opportunity designed to channel that excitement into a learning experience.
The Grand Rapids Public Museum is giving kids a chance to learn the science behind snow with a special hands-on program.
I get it reading before bedtime is relaxing. It helps you unwind. What would it hurt to read Facebook, Twitter or check your email just one more time before going to sleep. Well, it might do more damage than you think.
Ever wonder what your ear sounds like? No, really you read that right. There's this super quiet room. Well, it’s official name is Ultra-Silent Anechoic Chamber and it’s located at Orfield Laboratories in Minneapolis. What makes it one of a kind is that scientists say it’s the quietest place on earth. I'm all for quie...
The West Michigan VaperFest is the West Michigan vaping community's social convention, trade show, educational forum and industry networking event, running from from noon to 8 p.m. Jan. 31 at The DeltaPlex Arena & Conference Center in Grand Rapids.
Robots Might Soon Help You Find Items at Lowe’s [Video]