Do you know a child in need of shoes for the upcoming school year? Grand Rapids' non-profit, In the Image is hosting it's free shoe giveaway this month.
Everywhere you hear about “social distancing” and keeping at least 6 feet away from each other. A Romainian shoe maker has come up with a solution….Grigore Lup -- a Transylvanian cobbler who has been making shoes for 39 years -- has developed long-nosed size 75 shoes.
Skidders Footwear is recalling about 5,500 of their children's tennis shoe that's sold only at Meijer stores.
According to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, the rivets on the inside of the shoe have sharp edges which could cause a laceration hazard. So far, there...
WZZM-13 is reporting that Downtown Grand Rapids is losing what may be its longest continually-operating store - Van Hoecks Shoes.
Owner Greg Clarin says the store has been losing money for four years. High rent and low traffic get the blame, along with an aging customer base and internet sales competition.