It's Tax Day! And while that usually doesn't bring about a ton of great feelings (either because you've procrastinated and now you're rushing to get your done, or you owe the state, federal, or city government some money), there is one thing to celebrate - deals and free stuff...
I seem to remember there used to be more food specials on Tax Day. Maybe the marketing people at fast food places are either getting cheaper, or they are realizing people are just going in for the free stuff and not actually buying stuff. Like me.
Welcome to Tax Day 2012, Grand Rapids Style. It used to be in good ol' days, the Post Office would stay open til Midnight, with postal workers out at the curb so last minute citizens could toss their completed return into a mail cart right up until midnight. The American spirit of paying taxes and waiting til the last minute was en vouge! Nowdays, not so much.
It's Tax Day, Do you know where your Tax Return is?
Some people had their stuff together and sent it in weeks, if not months ago. Others were up late last night, scrambling to finish.