As a tribute to both Bill Steffen and Ellen Bacca and their new roles in the Storm Team 8 Tracking Center, the Grand Rapids Chorus of Sweet Adelines put together a musical tribute for the two weather forecasters.
We all look forward to that three day weekend that unofficially kicks off the summer season -- but have we forgotten the reason we have a Memorial Day in the first place?
Today marks the 43rd anniversary of the "Blizzard of '78"! What were you doing back in 1978? If you were living in Michigan at the time, you were probably doing a lot of snow shoveling. This storm was one of the biggest snow storms to every hit this area. A low-pressure system moving from the Gulf Coast met with two other low-pressure systems, one from the Southwest and one from Canada, to create one of the worst snowstorms the Midwest has ever seen.
The Big Boy mascot sitting out in front of area restaurants may be a thing of the past. The restaurant's name remains the same, but the mascots will be changing. Big Boy is moving aside for Dolly, at least for now.
I have read the stories of diabetes sufferers with bad feet and dogs that can alert them to the danger they are in. A story a couple of years ago about a dog who told his owner his foot was infected saved the man's life. Now more dogs are using their nose to help other diabetic's as well.