A shortage in paramedics and emergency medical technicians (EMTs) has many Michigan health care systems worried about increased ambulance response times.

Even prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, there was a shortage of paramedics EMTs in Michigan, but that shortage has been progressively getting worse.

With over 1,000 openings for paramedics and EMTs across the state, Michigan is now considering the shortage a crisis. This shortage is getting worse by the day and very troubling to health care systems across the state.  The Michigan Association of Ambulance Services (MAAS) addressed the shortage by saying "the staffing shortage is worsening daily, making it difficult for EMS agencies to cover shifts. This may also lead to slowed-down ambulance response times in some areas of the state."

Both jobs require some extensive training, but there are many programs in place to help you get in to either position.  EMTs require about 6 months of training and earn an average of $30,000 a year and paramedics require about 21 months of training but earn an average of $39,000 a year.  You can learn more about the positions and find a training program near you at Michigan.gov.

MAAS is also urging state leaders to increase the budget of the Michigan Emergency Medical Services System to help raise pay for paramedics and EMTs.  They hope that the increased pay would help in recruiting and retaining new paramedic and EMTs.

You can learn more about the Michigan Emergency Medical Services System and find out how to start your career as a paramedic or EMT at Michigan.gov.

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