There’s A New Gerber Baby!
In case you didn't know, Gerber baby food products are made just up the road from Grand Rapids in Fremont. Every year the town hosts the National Baby Food Festival, and now a new Gerber baby has been revealed!
The original Gerber baby food baby has to be dead now,** so they hold a contest every year to pick the new baby for the front of the baby food jars and all the Gerber packaging. The new baby hails from Pennsylvania.
Seven-month-old Grace, from East Petersburg, Pa., was crowned the 2015 Gerber Baby on Wednesday, beating out more than 180,000 other little ones for the title.
The winning photo in Gerber’s fifth annual Be Our Baby Photo Search shows the adorable little girl sporting a killer smile, her little hands folded beneath her chin. It’s easy to see why it was a winner.
"The photo that won was taken only five photos from when I started taking pictures of her that day," Gabrielle, Grace’s mother (who has asked Gerber to keep family’s last name out of the press because of privacy concerns), said in a statement released by Gerber. “She must have taken her hands out of her mouth and posed them like that for a split second because I didn’t even realize how cute she was posing until after I was completely done taking pictures and looking back at what I had just taken!”
Not too shabby for the parents. They receive $50,000 and little Grace gets to be in a Gerber commercial. I wonder if she's the Grand Marshall in the National Baby Food Festival this year!
**And Craig's note: In the story the original Gerber baby has been found, and she's 83! "While this photo search has been around for five years, the original contest to find the face of Gerber was held in 1928. Artist Dorothy Hope Smith entered the winning sketch – the pursed-lip face that is internationally known as the Gerber baby. But it wasn’t until 1978 that the identity of that adorable face was revealed to be retired English teacher Ann Turner Cook, who lived next door to Smith all those years ago."
You live and learn!
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