A rose by any name would smell just as sweet, right? That's what Shakespeare originally wrote in Romeo and Juliet, but do you think you'd be the same person today if your name was slightly different?

Most Popular Biblical Baby Names
Photo by Garrett Jackson on Unsplash

Some people argue having a unique name could get you bullied or looked over later in life. However, would you want to be one of six people in a room with your same name? Well, for many people that's exactly what happens when they are born with the most popular name in the year of their birth.

Pregnant woman finding baby names
Getty Images/iStockphoto

Names.com released a "name forecast" that predicts what they think the most popular baby names will be across America, as well as state by state. So if you're looking for what the hottest trend in names are (or are looking to avoid being one of a million) here are the predicted most popular baby names in 2022.

They predict that the most popular boy name in America will be: Liam



The name Liam has been used in the United states since 1860, and has been rapidly gaining popularity in the 2020's. It's said to be of Irish roots, and means "Strong-Willed Warrior and protector"

They predict that the most popular girl name in America will be: Olivia


The name Olivia has had waves in popularity over the years. First being used in 1880, its said to "derive from the olive tree, which is a symbol of peace"

The most popular boy name in Michigan is predicted to be: Noah


While this isn't the first year Noah has been the most popular, it hasn't always been a top name in the mitten. Noah is originally a biblical name, and is said to mean "Comfort and Peace"

Experts predict the most popular boys names in Michigan will be: Liam, Oliver, Henry, Elijah, Theodore, Jack, Benjamin, Lucas, and William

Experts predict the most popular girl name in Michigan will be: Amelia


Amelia is a traditional name that has recently become more popular, and this is the first year it's topped the list. Amelia means "Beautiful and trustworthy" in Arabic.

Then followed by: Charlotte, Olivia, Sophia, Ava, Emma, Harper, Evelyn, Eleanor, and Isabella.

11 Helpful Facebook Groups in West Michigan That You Need to Join

These Facebook groups are a great way to stay connected to what's happening in West Michigan, whether you're new to town or have been a lifelong Michigander.

Gallery Credit: Big Joe Pesh / Facebook

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