This Is Why Alex Trebek Will Always Be Important To My Family
Today Friday, July 22nd, 2022 would have been Alex Trebek's 82nd Birthday.
Alex had a long career in TV and Radio but is most known for hosting Jeopardy! for 37 years. While Alex is gone he will be forever loved and remembered. He will also hold a special place in my family's life.
Grand Rapids Woman Lives Out Her Dream By Being A Contestant On Jeopardy!
When I met my wife Lindsey 10 years ago in Grand Rapids I knew she was a nerd but I had no clue how smart she was or that she was addicted to Alex Trebek and Jeopardy!

Lindsey told me when she was growing up she would watch Jeopardy every night at 7:30 after dinner. While watching and playing along she dreamed of one day being a contestant on the show and winning Final Jeopardy!
Her Chance Finally Came
In 2017 after years and years of trying to get on Jeopardy! Lindsey finally caught a break. She signed up online to take the test to be considered a contestant on the show.
Lindsey did well enough to get a call back to do an in-person interview and test in Chicago. At the in-person interview, she had to do a timed test and then take part in a mock game of Jeopardy to see how she would do playing the game. They told her she did good and that she would be put into a pool of possible players that might get a call to be on the show sometime in the 18 months.
She Didn't Have Too Wait Long
After making it into the pool of possible players you just sit around and hope you will get that call. If you don't get the call in those 18 months Jeopardy allows you to try out again. Lindsey didn't have to wait long to be on the show. About 3 months later she got a call from an unknown L.A. number, it was one of the casting directors asking her to be on the show.
Let's Fly To L.A.
After getting time off work approved we booked our flight tickets to head to L.A. where they tape Jeopardy! My mother-in-law Jan came along and my friend Dominque who lived in L.A. at the time also came to the taping of the show.
An Experience She'll Never Forget
I don't know who was more nervous when the day arrived that my wife would be on Jeopardy. We got up and ready in the hotel and took an uber to Sony Picture Studios where they film Jeopardy!
Once we got through security we walked into the studio audience area. On the left side was a huge group of students from a nearby school on a field trip. On the right side where we were sitting were friends and family of the contestants. We wait in anticipation for Lindsey to have her name called by Johnny Gilbert who is the voice of Jeopardy!
Let's Play Jeopardy!
A half an hour went by in what felt likes just seconds. It was so surreal to be sitting in an audience and as I look out to my left I see Alex Freaking Trebek and on my right is my wife competing on Jeopardy!
WATCH: How Did Lindsey Do On Jeopardy?
If there weren't already a million reasons to love Alex Trebek this one does it for me.
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