Today Is ‘Talk Like A Grizzled Prospector’ Day
Now before ya get yer yee-doggies in a twist, we were just as confused about it as you so we reckon' we're going to learn ya a thing or two today!
We know what you are thinking..."Dagnabit, these cacklers got me hornswoggled somethin' awful."
Today is another one of those "talk like a (insert something silly here)" days except while this one won't get you free stuff like "Talk Like A Pirate" day, this one is a real gold mine of fun.
According to Interesly, it is "Talk Like a Grizzled Prospector" Day which is basically just a good excuse to call someone a "varmint" and just confuse the "beans 'n' biscuits" out of the people around you.
What is so great about talking like a "grizzled prospector" is you don't really need to make a ton of sense because as Interesly broke it down, pretty much any kind of gibberish means something different to a prospector!
Some of our favorites from their list include:
- Dumfungled - if a "claim" is dumfungled, it's all used up - no gold to be found.
- Powder Monkey - a miner who made holes quickly with the use of dynamite.
- Blackjack and Sow Bosom - breakfast foods: coffee and bacon, respectively.
- Hornswoggled - embarassed
- All-Purpose curse words like "Dadburn" and "Consarn"
So today raise a glass of “Who-Hit-John” (whiskey) and make today a gold mine of chances to scream "EuuuuuREKA!"
We recommend using this clip of Will Ferrell AKA "Gus Chiggins" on SNL to inspire your character for the day.