For many who live in Michigan, particularly, say, southeast Michigan in Metro Detroit, the 'Michigan Left' is a fact of life while driving. The somewhat complex traffic device that was pioneered in Michigan to such an extent that it bears the name of the state does not allow for cross traffic and forces drivers who wish to turn left or go straight through an intersection to make a right then immediate left.

What may surprise some Detroit-area drivers is that the Michigan Left is not common at all in some areas of the state. One such area is Southwest Michigan, the counties of Berrien, Cass, St. Joseph, Kalamazoo and Van Buren have very few Michigan Lefts, so drivers there are largely unaccustomed to them and the quirks they present to drivers.

👇🏼BELOW: The Only Destination For These Highways are Michigan State Parks👇🏼

A recently completed project on US 131 between Schoolcraft and Three Rivers installed several new Michigan Lefts as that stretch of highway now has no cross traffic from the southern village limits of Schoolcraft to Hoffman Road in Three Rivers, a distance of just over 10 miles and 6 removed cross-street intersections that became Michigan Lefts.

The problem, like any new travel pattern on the roads, there will be those who just don't like the change or some who either don't notice or understand how to drive a new way.

READ MORE: This is Yet Another Michigan Highway Quirk That Amuses Out-of-State Drivers

After seeing an accident along US 131 in this stretch, a question came up on a private Facebook group dedicated to Three Rivers asking about the new stretch of road. Many were quick to point out the foibles some drivers have with this stretch of highway:

The road is stupid. I knew it was only a matter of time. People couldn't handle the lights so let's put all these left turns in, in stupid spots and hope no one wrecks. Idiots!

The Michigan U-turns did not do anyone any favors at all. And straight thru drivers are driving faster than they were before with no lights to stop for

It likely won't surprise you that while several road departments have experimented with Michigan Lefts, they're not always popular despite statistics that say how much safer they are. In Indianapolis, a single Michigan Left was installed as an experiment at a busy intersection on the region's northeast side at 96th Street and Allisonville Road. It proved so overwhelmingly unpopular, the city is replacing it with a roundabout.

The Only Destination For These Highways are Michigan State Parks

There are several highways in Michigan's road network that exist only to connect to state parks.

Gallery Credit: Google Maps Street View

These Short, Overlooked MIchigan Highways Exist Only to Leave the State

These short, stubby Michigan highways don't go anywhere other than to the state line with either Indiana, Ohio or Wisconsin.

Gallery Credit: Google Maps Street View

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