Video Footage From The Life Size Version of The ‘Hungry Hungry Hippos’ Game
The 'Snow Days' celebration in downtown Grand Rapids may have been hampered by the lack of snow, but it brought to life the board game 'Hungry Hungry Hippos' Sunday afternoon at Rosa Parks Circle, and some happy kids had the time of their lives.
For those of you who don't remember the board game 'Hungry Hungry Hippos, here's a little refresher course:
So how would you play a live version of the game?
Simple -- you cast a kid in an inner tube out onto the ice and have them snatch up balls using a laundry basket. It seems simple, doesn't it? Far from it.
Here's what it looks like from the kids point of view taken by Tim Schut at Sunday's live game at Rosa Parks.
Oh, to be a kid again.