The more things change, the more they remain the same.

While this video tour of Mount Pleasant brings back some great memories of places I hung out when I was going to Central, it also highlights the changes the town has seen in the thirty-plus years since.

Among the things staying the same:

* The rustic beauty of the Chippewa River and the dams north of town where we used to hang out.

* Hey, I used to live right by those railroad tracks!

* Island Park was a great place to get your head together after a bruising week of exams.

Among the changes:

* The immense commercial development along Mission Street.

* The new bars and restaurants downtown. (Marty's? What's a Marty's? And someone told me the Blackstone doesn't serve pizza any more. What hath God wrought?)

* The downtown Christmas decorations have been updated to a nicer glow.

* How many dorms do they need? There's now two sets of Towers?

* The trestle over High Street has a new paint job.

A reminder to me that Mt. Pleasant was a great place to live my young adult years.

And then there's always the 'Pure Michigan' take on the Mountain Town...

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