What does Rick Grimes’ facial hair look like on the big screen? Walking Dead and Fear fans alike will get the chance to find out, as AMC is sending April’s big Season 8 finale and Fear premiere to theaters for one night only.

If you’re feeling pumped enough to follow Morgan’s journey from The Walking Dead Season 8 finale to Fear The Walking Dead’s Season 4 premiere, Fathom Events is hosting Survival Sunday: The Walking Dead & Fear the Walking Dead in over 750 theaters nationwide on April 15. The event is also said to feature as-yet-unannounced bonus content, while tickets will go on sale Friday, March 16 (March 15 for TWD Fan Rewards Club members).

Both episodes will be presented commercial-free, beginning at 8:30 P.M. Eastern (and adjusted for each time-zone). This is the first instance of The Walking Dead franchise making it to the big screen, though Fathom Events has previously hosted screenings of Doctor Who, Sherlock and others. Game of Thrones has been to theaters as well, though The Walking Dead isn’t bound for IMAX just yet (there is such a thing as too much walker entrail).

In either case, The Walking Dead Season 8 finale is expected to end the “All Out War” arc, and may be the last instance of Lauren Cohan playing Maggie Grimes on the series. Lennie James’ Morgan is also expected to survive the ninety-minute finale, seeing as his transition to Fear The Walking Dead Season 4 will also bring the companion series’ timeline (and visuals) in sync.

We’ve still a few more weeks of Walking Dead Season 8 to get through, so stay tuned in the meantime.

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