West MI Women In Cancer Treatment Could Get Free Maid Service
I came across this post on Facebook from a friend that was encouraging all women to share it because it was offering free housecleaning for any lady going through chemotherapy. It sounded awesome, but almost too good to be true, but it's not, it's a real service being offered, and should definitely be shared!
The organization is called Cleaning For A Reason, and they seriously do offer to come to your house once per month for the four months while you're going through Chemotherapy. The organization currently has over 574 partners around the country that are ready to offer this help.
I checked out their website, and they have two location that are helping here in West Michigan.
Their website CleaningForAReason.org say they help women who are receiving treatment for any type of cancer. Why do they offer this? From cleaningforareason.org:
Our goal is to let these brave and strong women focus on their health and treatment while we focus on, and take away the worry and work of, cleaning their homes– free of charge. We have recruited over 1,200 maid services to donate free housecleaning to women who are undergoing treatment for cancer. Since 2006, our partner maid services have volunteered their time to clean for over 30,200 women – valued at over $10,000,000.
To qualify, you just have to sign up and then have your doctor submit a letter confirming that you are receiving treatment. So if you or someone you know would benefit from this service, please sign up and find out more info HERE.
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