I'm walking through my local grocery store last weekend and I needed some ketchup. I will admit, I'm a brand snob when it comes to ketchup -- I only buy Heinz. I just prefer it over the other brands. I'm even willing to pay a little bit more to get my Heinz ketchup.

As I was looking over the shelves to find a bottle of my favorite condiment I happened to see a lone bottle of something called 57 Blood Types "Tomato Blood" tomato ketchup. Just what is Tomato Blood ketchup?

I did some searching online to find out what this is all about...

Heinz Tomato Blood Ketchup
Photo: Scott Winters/Townsquare Media

With Halloween less than two weeks away, the tomato ketchup company knows that a lot of people use ketchup to simulate blood when it comes to Halloween costumes. So the company decided to capitalize on that this year and come out with their Heinz Tomato Blood Ketchup – which from what I can find is just simply Heinz Ketchup with the “Tomato Blood” label!

I also found out that the company has put together at Tomato Blood Costume Kit. The kit includes not only the Halloween themed ketchup but comes with makeup, a makeup brush set, a rhinestone sheet, a tattoo sheet, some vampire teeth and spooky eyelashes. The kit will cost you about $20 on the HeinzHalloween.com website.

It looks like if you just want to buy the Tomato Blood Ketchup you can do that. It must be popular too, because there was just the one lone bottle of it sitting on the store shelf I was looking at.

Isn't a waste of good ketchup to smear it on your costume to use it as fake blood? I guess it could always be considered a snack while you were at your Halloween party! Pay no attention to me if you see me licking my Halloween costume this year. I promise not to lick your costume -- that would just be weird!

LOOK: How Halloween has changed in the past 100 years

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